
Wanting to achieve is OK as long as whenever possible you include others and satisfactorily deal with their concerns. Don’t resort to angry outbursts if you’re criticized but consider if there is a benefit to be gained from the other person’s point of view that you can take into consideration and is likely to improve the outcome of your activities. Any excessive energy utilize in pursuit of healthy exercise, to help release tension or stress, avoid contact sports, jogging or Nordic walking is best.


Any extreme resentment won't do your love life any good. If your relationship is unduly stressed with needless tussles and your attitude alienates your partner. Control yourself a bit more! If you're single, it's possible such brusque conduct works quite well - to pick someone up. But nobody will want to stay around you for too long, if you continue to behave like this.


You're really motivated; with so much energy you must direct it towards a positive goal. You'll be surprised how much you achieve. But take care not to get involved in any contentious issues with colleagues. You're not particularly good with anyone who objects to your methods; you're easily wound up. If you're behaving this way, you need to practice some self-control.

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