Being in a great mood, you let everyone know how you feel and they recognize your zest for life is genuine. You inspire those you’re close to with your imagination and openness, and the pleasant atmosphere you create benefits them all. If single, your flirtatiousness, charm and easy-going manner are attractive to any potential love interest on the horizon.
You love to chat, be with those you love, but due to certain responsibilities that dominate much of your time, you find it difficult to make your wish a reality. When you want to enjoy romance, planning ahead, you invite somebody special to spend the evening with you so, you can make it a memorable occasion.
You're laid-back and relaxed and don't feel much like working too hard; you appear to be more interested in the social aspects of your work, connecting with your colleagues to create a more convivial and harmonious atmosphere which improves the potential for any teamwork to succeed in future.
Forecast for 5 days ahead