One way or another you’re in the mood to make things happen. The ability you possess to concentrate and let nothing divert you from what is important means you look forward to putting even more pleasurable activities on the agenda. Don’t be surprised if the’ know-how’ and charm you demonstrate make others look to you for inspiration.
Your ability to deal with others helps you socially. Even if normally you find it difficult, it’s easier to make new friends. With conviction, you instinctively know how to put across your point of view, impressing others with your composure and eloquence, and only pursuing these friendships if you want them to develop.
Work provides you with a sense of achievement, especially if you're involved in communicating your ideas. You're able to take full advantage of situations that arise and exploit them in the most advantageous way. Guiding a group or team competently you negotiate reliably with others, and get the best possible deal.