
Try to approach things in a relaxed way without getting too wound up about any problems that occur. Ignore the urge to blame others for any misfortune; this is very disruptive to your relationships. Perhaps you need to take the time to look for other reasons for your bad luck. Don't get into arguments; you tend to say things you later come to regret.


Others notice how tetchy you appear to be. There's no point in making an issue over matters of such little consequence; they only result in unnecessary animosity. If you feel you're losing control, regain your composure by adopting a level-headed approach and getting to grips with your potentially bad mood.


If you find it difficult to connect with your colleagues and have the feeling you're constantly saying the wrong things or making a fool of yourself, pay special attention to your choice of words that most likely are the cause of any slip-ups. Don't let your mood affect you, pay extra attention to your working processes.

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