The discipline which work is likely to force upon you is helpful and prevents you from becoming distracted by the various temptations life often places in your path. If you give into all your desires and cravings, you regret it, either because of your wastefulness with money or the personal consequences resulting from your own rather wicked ways.
If your partner avoids you, preferring to be on their own, you let them have the space they need. Thinking about it, it may be because of your poor conduct towards them, don't be too concerned about this, being in the doldrums for a while is unlikely to do serious damage to your relationship.
If you’re feeling in a bad mood, others immediately realize not to mess with you. It's best to avoid needless confrontations, so don't be surprised when your colleagues prefer to stay out of your way. Do not make any irrevocable decisions and put at risk what you’ve achieved so far just because you're behaving unpredictably.