People are likely to test your nerves, but do not let them. There are those who may be jealous of you and want to make your life difficult. Instead, try listening more carefully. Otherwise, you’ll encounter more friction and feel opposed. If you are tired of conflicting views, then do yourself a power of good and enjoy a relaxing evening and unwind.
If you have some crossed words with your partner, try not to be so brutally honest, this can be very hurtful and eventually you may come to regret what you say. Instead of being responsive to their needs and adopting a far more diplomatic approach you'll find and deal with the cause of their concern much sooner.
You express your opinions forcefully causing colleagues to become confused and upset with your unreasonable conduct. If you're argumentative what you say is easily misconstrued by colleagues and they think of you as being rather arrogant and selfish. Try to act and speak in a reasonable way, and avoid further confusions.