You're extremely quick-tempered and once angered you react unfairly towards the people you encounter. You appear to be overly stressed, and needlessly show your annoyance over the slightest of things. Hold back and refrain from reacting so impulsively. If you can't manage to control your feelings adequately, then postpone important decisions until much later.
With passions running high, if you're unable to do anything positive about your feelings, you easily become frustrated. When trying to approach someone, who would not normally expect anything from you, be careful what you imply or suggest is thought through, or you may appear rather vague and insincere.
Normally you're a well-balanced person, if you seem to give your colleagues confusing signals and appear rather moody, this may lead to difficulties. Don't demand too much of them, instead, show your enthusiasm for more positive outcomes rather than dwelling on complications that affect your collaboration.