
Normally very outgoing and sociable, as a matter of course you push yourself forward at the expense of others and by doing so they rail against you. Concentrate on a common goal rather than on your own welfare, or if you see others as a hindrance or as competitors, go your own separate way. Be open about any decisions to rule out any misunderstandings.


You’re easily confused and react badly to anyone who dares to be critical of your conduct. Try to stay well out of the way of your loved ones who are already aware that you need some space of your own and must not be so quick to judge your conduct. Trust that your short-temper disappears as fast as it appeared.


Try to react calmly to any playful banter and provocation from your colleagues. You have a feeling of being misled, and is why you're concerned about who you engage in dialog with. Your direct approach and ill-considered statements are likely to become back and unsettle you in some way soon.

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