You frequently clash with others, and some feel you are behaving selfishly and refuse to engage in conversation. You can easily annoy people with your exaggerated claims. Reconsider your somewhat hostile approach and treat other people with respect, take their opinions seriously and remember that they must have their needs met too.
Pushing yourself forward makes you appear overbearing and at times rather unpleasant, causing problems with your love life or making it tough to get to meet and know new people. It is apparent that others find your craving for recognition a bit disconcerting. Reconsider your conduct and the impact it has on others.
If you normally push yourself forward in talks, you’re able to make yourself understood, but it seems working in a team is now being subtlety undermined. Without you realizing group cooperation is not functioning as before and puts you at a disadvantage. Try to back down and not put any desired outcome at risk.
Forecast for 5 days ahead