Normally very outgoing and sociable, as a matter of course you push yourself forward at the expense of others and by doing so they rail against you. Concentrate on a common goal rather than on your own welfare, or if you see others as a hindrance or as competitors, go your own separate way. Be open about any decisions to rule out any misunderstandings.
If you encounter disagreements, it’s important to respond to the needs of your loved one, even if you believe them to be unnecessarily pressurizing you for an answer. When everyone is calmer, it's easier for any differences, which probably have a long history, eventuallyy, to be resolved much sooner rather than later.
You seem to clash with others more than usual, and others label you egotistic, cutting you off from any discussions, apparently without too much reason. Your job appears to offer few positive things, so it's best to avoid needless conflicts and postpone potential meetings. Be polite and objective even it’s rather hard.