Problems you face are difficult to overcome when in your effort to solve them you still use the same approach. Change your method, come up with a new strategy and don't allow others to change your mind or alter your plans. A solution is totally within your grasp; with self-confidence, you overcome any intractable problems and take charge of the situation.
In your relationship, there seem to be unnecessary misunderstandings, and you become overwhelmed by other's expectations of you. If single there's meddling you cannot put up with and need to resolve, take time out for a heart-to-heart. When you're able to rebuild some common ground, things improve.
Approach any new venture with caution. Keep in mind that not all projects go exactly as planned; there are always new obstacles that you encounter along the way. Don't let yourself be distracted by pointless ventures, be patient, form a strategy for the projects you want to undertake to revive previous success.
Forecast for 5 days ahead